
QCGC Friendship Day

Friendship Day allow members to meet the other garden Clubs and enjoy a day out.

 Friendship Day 2024 Flyer

 Friendship Day 2023 Flyer

 Friendship Day 2022 Flyer

To QCGC  Clubs

16 May 2021

 Greetings to all,

Friendship Day 2021 is planned for June 30 at the Auditorium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha. See the attached flyer. You will note that the RSVP date has changed from the flyer included in the Newsletter.

The event will commence at 10am but guests may arrive from 9.30 to allow time for signing in, finding a seat etc. The format has changed from previous years due to Covid restrictions and a Devonshire Morning Tea will be served in place of lunch.

As you will appreciate the COVID restrictions on the numbers of people allowed at indoor functions still apply.  Consequently we will need to limit the numbers of people who can attend the QCGC Friendship Day.

Clubs will be limited to a maximum of 6 attendees.  It will be necessary for clubs to advise the secretary of the names of those people attending.

Should the situation change and it becomes possible to accommodate a greater number clubs will be advised and given the opportunity to add additional names.

Date     Wednesday 30 June 2021

Time     9.30 for 10am

Venue   Auditorium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Cot-tha, Toowong

RSVP   21 June 2021

Bring    your own pen, happy face, willingness to abide by recommended Covid restrictions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Anne Baster


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