The calendar shows the events planned for garden clubs in Queensland on a monthly basis With the uncertainty of COVID 19 restrictions, please refer to the society website to verify the event is still happening.
As of January all dates are unknown as COVID will cause cancellations and postponements
January February
National Palm & Cycad Show
Stanthorpe Garden Fest And Trade Fair
Date 25 February 6 March 2022
Open Times 9 am to 4 pm.
Place Stanthorpe Showgrounds , 8 High Street
Cost Free
Features Landscape Supplies Craft Sale Plant Displays and Sales
Phone 0449003325
Begonia show Details
25 Anniversary Colour on Parade’
Northern District Horticultural Society & Qld Dahlia Society
DATE March 12th !3th
OPEN TIMES Saturday 11:30am to 3:30pm, Sunday 9- 3:30pm
PLACE Wavell Heights Community Centre, Edinburgh Castle Rd, Wavell Heights
COST $4, children free; free parking
FEATURES Horticultural show featuring around 200 dahlias, floral art, roses, pot plants, cut flowers and orchids
CONTACT Noel Ph 3359 3457 David Stephenson 3261 1177
Brochure Colour on Parade 2022
African Violet & Gesneriad Annual Show and Plant Sale
DATE 26th March 2022 ONE Day only
OPEN TIMES Sat 9 am – 3pm
PLACE Auditorium Brisbane Botanical Gardens Mt Coot-tha
COST Adults $4, children free
COVID Double Vaccinated
FEATURES Largest display and sale of African violets and their related Gesneriads in Qld;
advice on growing, potting supplies, leaves and plants of all sizes for sale;
refreshments available; crafts for sale
CONTACT Secretary 3264 4612 (9am – 5pm only) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
Brochure African Violets
Bromeliad and Tropicals Show & Sales Bromeliad Society of Qld
DATE 2nd and 3rd April
OPEN TIMES Sat 8am-4pm; Sun 8am-1pm
PLACE Belmont Shooting Complex, 1485 Old Cleveland Rd Belmont
COST $4 children under 15 free
FEATURES variety of plants for sale from over thirty experienced growers including bromeliads, Tropicals, indoor plants, orchids, hoyas, begonias, succulents and many more.
CONTACT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Lien Reilly 0422 125 302
BROCHURE Broms Qld Autumn Show
A Garden A-Fair Queensland Council of Garden Clubs
Date 2nd and 3rd April
Venue Auditorium Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha
Presidents Morning Tea
Date 14th April
Venue Auditorium Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha
Autumn Garden Spectacular (Ipswich Orchid Society & Bromeliad)
DATE 9th and 10th April 2022
OPEN TIMES 8:30am 3pm ---- 9:00am to 2pm
PLACE Silkstone State School, Prospect St, Silkstone
COST $4.00 entry
FEATURES orchids, bromeliads, cultural advice, Australian natives, hibiscus, potting demonstrations, craft sale table and much more; refreshments, bus trips and groups especially welcome, wheelchair friendly
CONTACT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone Noelene Schultz 0423 072 82
Flyer Ipswich Garden Spectacular
Wondai Autumn Garden Expo
DATE 16th and 17th April 2022
OPEN TIMES Sat 8– 4.30pm Sun 8-1pm
PLACE Wondai Sportsground & Lions Pavilion, Bunya Highway, Wondai
COST $5, children under 15yrs free $8 two day pass
COVID Covid Safe Event
FEATURES Horticultural Show and display, quality stalls for garden and home items, Guest speakers, plant cloakroom, entertainment, free parking, disabled parking
(Also South Burnett Orchid Society Annual Show on Saturday 9.30am – 3pm at Wondai RSL Hall, Mackenzie St; cost $3, contact 4168 1695)
CONTACT Beryl 4168 1696 Stallholders contact
Wondai Garden Expo Jodi 0413 115 495
Speaker Barbara Beerling
Brochure Wondai Garden Expo
Bonsai Show Bimer Bonsai Club
DATE 30thApril
OPEN TIMES Sat 9am – 4pm Sun 9am – 4pm
PLACE Auditorium Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha
COST Adults $3 Child under 13 years free
FEATURES Majestic Bonsai o display, Demonstrations at 10am and 1pm daily. Items for sale including a large green stock area plus all other Bonsai items
CONTACT Bruce ph 3263 9609
Flyer Bimer Bonsai 2022
Ipswich Show 2022
DATE 14th and 15th May
OPEN TIMES Sat 8.30 – 4pm, Sun 8.30 – 3pm
PLACE Cnr Warwick & Salisbury Rds., IPSWICH Q 4305
Mail PO Box 812, BOOVAL Q 4304
Entries Joanne Hadnutt
FEATURES Focused on gardens and plant lovers of all types with "birds and bees" the theme. Plant sales, garden equipment, ornaments, bees, insect houses, chickens and more. Great guest speakers, plant creche, food stalls,
CONTACT Ph – 07 3281 1577 Joanne Hadnutt
Flyer Ipswich Show 2022
Pine Rivers Garden and Plant Fair
DATE 14th and 15th May
OPEN TIMES Sat 8.30 – 4pm, Sun 8.30 – 3pm
PLACE Pine Rivers Show Ring, 757 Gympie Road, Lawnton
COST $6, children under 15 free
FEATURES Focused on gardens and plant lovers of all types with "birds and bees" the theme. Plant sales, garden equipment, ornaments, bees, insect houses, chickens and more. Great guest speakers, plant creche, food stalls, live music. Dogs on leashes are welcome
Qld Rose Society Autumn Show and Floral Art
DATE 21st and 22nd May
OPEN TIMES Sat 11.30am-4pm, Sun 9am – 2.30pm
PLACE The Auditorium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt. Coot-tha, Toowong
COST $4 children under 12 free
FEATURES hundreds of colourful, fragrant blooms, friendly and experienced rose growers to answer your questions, and give you advice about which are the best roses to grow in Queensland and how to care for them. Rose potting demonstration. Cut roses, potted roses and gardening products for sale, as well as a variety of 'rosy items' and refreshments.
CONTACT Website:
Flyer Autumn Rose Show 2022
Esk Garden & Lifestyle Fair
DATE June 18
OPEN TIMES 8am- 3pm
PLACE old Esk Railway Station in Pipeliner Park, Esk
COST gold coin donation
FEATURES variety of Native and exotic species and hybrid orchids plants & everything gardening. Guest Speakers. Free entertainment. Live chainsaw sculpture carving. Delicious food, specialty coffee.
Flyer Valley of the Lakes
West Brisbane Orchid Society
DATE 18 & 19 June
OPEN TIMES Sat 8:30 am to 3;30 pm Sun 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
PLACE Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha Toowong
COST $4 children under 16 free
FEATURES Native and exotic species and hybrid orchids. Display of orchids from Australia and other parts of the world,
some rare and near extinction.
CONTACT email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer WBOS Orchid Species Show 2022
Friendship Day QCGC
Date 29th June Club competition max 6 per club
Time 9:30 am for a 10am Start
Place Auditorium Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mount Coot-tha.
Features Wendy Wragge Competition Clare Barker State Emergency Service
Contact Anne Baster 0439 720 565
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer Friendship Day
Qld Camellia Society
DATE 3rd July Sunday
OPEN TIMES 9am to 3pm
PLACE Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha, Toowong
FEATURES Plant sales Show bench Latest Camellias.
CONTACT Belinda 0401 477 832
FACEBOOK Queensland Camellia Society Facebook
Qld Garden Expo Nambour
DATE 8th to 10th July 2022 Life is a garden
OPEN TIMES Fri, Sat 8am - 5pm, Sun 8am-4pm
PLACE Nambour Showgrounds
COST $20 tickets only available on line.
FEATURES a comprehensive Garden Expo Enchanted garden competition
Volunteers still needed – contact Elizabeth Parkinson.0412 755 500.
Delegates to provide club/society brochures.
Delegates were advised that floral art society display will be on ground floor. No steps.
Diggers Garden Group 2022 Winter Workshop
DATE Wednesday 20th July 2022
OPEN TIMES Sat 8.45am - 1:30 pm,
PLACE Queensland College of Wine Tourism Caves Road, Stanthorpe
COST $110 or $140 Morning Tea and Two Course Luncheon (alternate drop)
FEATURES Morning Session - ‘Sustainable Gardening’ Sophie Thompson (ABC Gardening Show from Adelaide)
CONTACT Noela Dodd: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone Noela on 0432 997 128 or Therese on 0481 275 104
Winter Gardening Extravaganza Warwick Horticultural Society
DATE 27th 28th July
OPEN TIMES 10am to 5pm then 9am to 4pm
PLACE St Mary’s Church Hall, Phillip St Warwick
FEATURES Orchid Show, plant sales, expert advice, membership information, craft stalls, nursery supplies
CONTACT Margot 07 4661 1414
DATE 5th and 7th August 2022
OPEN TIMES Saturday 11:30 - 17:30 Sunday - 09:00 - 16:00
PLACE Country Paradise Parklands, Nerang
COST pre-purchased tickets only.
FEATURES See a huge variety of green exhibitors plus family activities, workshops and educational talks by celebrity gardeners and horticulture experts.
Royal National Show EKKA
DATE 6th and 14th August 2022
OPEN TIMES 9 am to 6 pm daily times manned determined on the day/\.
PLACE Exhibition Hall where old honey show was 20 years ago.
COST pre-purchased tickets only. Ekka Website
FEATURES Work on the QCGC show stand and bring club brochures to handout.
CONTACT Shirley Morris on 0448 117 447 or 3364 3038
Fashion Parade QCGC
Date 31st August Wednesday
Open Times Morning Fun day for all of QCGC
FEATURES Portofino Fashions confirmed
Costs members - $15.00 (includes entry and morning tea)
Place Auditorium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha
Contact Anne Baster 0439 720 565
Flyer QCGC Fashion Parade details
Sogetsu Ikebana Qld
DATE 27 & 28 August 2022 Gift of Nature
OPEN TIMES 10:00 am to 4pm
PLACE Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha
COST Admission $5
free demo 10:30 am $5 for Hands on class 1:30 pm.
Guided tours 11:30am and 2:30pm
FEATURES Japanese art of flower arrangement ikebana. sales 11:30 am
Phone 0434 364 910
Flyer Sogetsu Ikebana Exhibition 2022
The Geranium & Pelargonium Society of Brisbane QLD Inc
DATE Saturday 3rd September
OPEN TIMES Saturday 9am to 3:00 pm
PLACE Albion Peace Hall 102 McDonald Road, Windsor
COST Gold Coin Donation
FEATURES Gernaium sales Day. Raffles and food and advice.
leargoniums for sale.
CONTACT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;;
Flyer The Geranium and Pelargonium Society
Australian Orchid Council Orchid Show
DATE 2nd to 4th September
OPEN TIMES Friday Saturday 9am to 4:30pm
PLACE Logan Metro Sports and Event Centre 357 Browns Plains Road Crestmead
COST Daily admission $10 bus group can negotiate price
FEATURES Orchid and Foliage show Growing accessories Advice Photography
Raffles and food and advice. Orchids for sale. 24 stalls/vendors
CONTACT enquiries 0439 397 338 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
Flyer Australian Orchid Show at Logan
Horticultural Expo Laidley Garden Club
DATE Friday 9 and Saturday10 September, 2022
OPEN TIMES 7am- 4pm 9am to 2pm
PLACE Laidley Cultural Centre Laidley Plainland Rd
COST gold coin donation
FEATURES 30-40 stall holders of horticultural and agricultural products. Food and drink vans onsite
CONTACT Eileen 0413 136 861 or Cec 07 5465 6910 Facebook of Laidley Garden Club
Flyer Laidley Garden Club Show
Spring Show Toowoomba Orchid Society
DATE 16th - 19th September 2022
OPEN TIMES Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon 8.30am - 4pm, Tue 8.30am-2pm
PLACE St Paul's Church Hall, Phillip St Toowoomba
FEATURES Orchid Show, plant sales, expert advice, membership information, craft stalls, nursery supplies
CONTACT Cec 0457 453 575 website
Visit to the Governor's Residence Bardon
DATE Thursday 8 September from 9am to 10am (with arrival from 8:45am)
PLACE Street: 168 Fernberg Road, Paddington Qld 4064
COST FW: R U Ok? Day Community Bushwalk Free
FEATURES The Governor invites her Patronage organizations to take part in a community bushwalk around the Fernberg Estate
CONTACT R U OK? Day Community Bushwalk Tickets, Thu 08/09/2022 at 9:00 am | Eventbrite
Flyer Governor's letter Belinda
Beaudesert Districts Orchid & Foliage Society Inc
DATE 10 & 11 September
OPEN TIMES Saturday 8am-3pm Sunday 9am to 2pm
PLACE Canungra School of Arts Hall Canungra
COST Gold Coin Credit card facilities if necessary
FEATURES Massed Orchids and Foliage plants for sale, off street parking
CONTACT Peter Rice 07 5543 2108
Flyer BDOFS Orchid and Foliage Show
Blackbutt Spring Garden plus Avocado Festival
DATE 17th 18th September 2022
OPEN TIMES 9am-3pm
PLACE Blackbutt Gardens and surrounds
COST Visit locations
FEATURES 2hrs from Brisbane
CONTACT Trish Litjens on 0458 323 872 or (Jeff Connor 0448 946 702).
Flyer Blackbutt Gardens Competition
Arts Day Out Blackbutt Delights
Brochure Blackbutt Garden Brochure
Wondai Garden Expo 2022
DATE Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th Sept
OPEN TIMES Saturday 8am to 4.30pm, Sunday 8am to 1pm
PLACE Wondai Sportsground, Bunya Highway, Wondai
COST $5, for one day $8 two day pass; kids under 15yrs free
FEATURES Quality plants, allied nursery products, home decorator items
CONTACT Helen 4168 9297; Jodie Biltoft 0413 115 495 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer Wondai Garden Expo 2022
Gold Coast Rose Society Show
DATE 24th and 25th September
OPEN TIMES 11 am close 5pm then 9am to 3pm
PLACE Robina Community Centre 146 Robina Town Centre Drive Robina.
COST Gold Coin
FEATURES Spring Rose Show
CONTACT Robert Warren 07 5596 7443 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer Gold Coast Rose Show
Bromeliad Society of Queensland’s 2022 SPRING SHOW
DATE 24th and 25th September
OPEN TIMES Saturday 8 am to 4 pm, Sunday 8am to 1pm
PLACE Genesis Christian College Sport Hall, Youngs Crossing Rd, Bray Park Qld 4500
COST $4, FREE entry will be given to any group of 10 or more people from a Garden Club
FEATURES Quality plants, Free Information available from experienced growers.
CONTACT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. call Lien Smith on 0422 125 302
shows 0411 874 479
Flyer BromsQld Show 2022 PDF
Later Flyer Bromelaide 3rd September version
Twin Towns & District Annual Flower and Garden Expo
DATE 1st October Entries by 5:15 pm Friday 30th Sept
OPEN TIMES 8.30am to 3:00pm
PLACE Tweed Heads Cultural & Civic Centre Auditorium, Brett Street
COST admission $5 Adults, children Free
FEATURES flower and plant displays, workshops, plant sales, raffles and photo competition
CONTACT For further information & schedule: Contact Monika 0412638373
EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer Twin Towns & District Garden Club Presents FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW 2022
Flyer September Twin Towns Flyer Oct 2022
Gardening on the Edge by Maleny Garden Club Inc
DATE Saturday 1st October 2022
OPEN TIMES 9am to 4pm
PLACE Maleny Showgrounds, Maleny-Stanley River Road, Maleny + private gardens
Maleny Showgrounds 13 Maleny Stanley River Road, Maleny
CLUB Maleny Garden Club Inc.
COST Entry Garden Market $2 each garden $5 per garden by 3 gardens
FEATURES Country gardens all different and unique;
Garden Market ($2), plant & produce stalls (talk to experts), camellia flower display, homemade refreshments
Spring Fair showcasing all things gardening
Plant & Produce Stall - Independent Nurseries - Talk to the Experts
CONTACT Jan Maguire 0476 109 872 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer Gardening on the Edge in Maleny
Qld Rose Society
DATE 1st and 2nd October, Saturday and Sunday
OPEN TIMES 11 am to 4 pm
PLACE Brisbane Botanic Gardens , Mt Coot-tha, Auditorium
COST Raffles and plants
FEATURES Spring i Rose Show
CONTACT email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer QRS Spring Rose Show
Darling Downs Rose Show per QRS Inc
DATE 8th and 9th October
OPEN TIMES 10:30 am close 4pm then 9am to 3pm
PLACE The Rose Cottage, Newtown Park, Holberton st, Toowoomba
COST Gold Coin Wheelchair access.
FEATURES Spring Championship Rose Show Large variety of Roses
CONTACT Veronica Firth 046 155 539 Leo Cooper 046 331 975
Flyer Rose Cottage
African Violet & Gesneriad Annual Show and Plant Sale
DATE 15th October 2022 ONE Day only
OPEN TIMES Sat 9 am – 3pm
PLACE Auditorium Brisbane Botanical Gardens Mt Coot-tha
COST Adults $4, children free
COVID Double Vaccinated
FEATURES Largest display and sale of African violets and their related Gesneriads in Qld;
advice on growing, potting supplies, leaves and plants of all sizes for sale;
refreshments available; crafts for sale
CONTACT Secretary 3264 4612 (9am – 5pm only) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
Brochure African Violets
Orchid Species Society Show
DATE 22 & 23 October 2022
OPEN TIMES Sat 8:300 am to 4 pm Sun ( 9 am to 3:30 pm
PLACE Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha Toowong
COST $4 children under 12 free
FEATURES Display of species orchids from Australia and other parts of the world,
some rare and near extinction
CONTACT email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
Lyn Groffen 0403 957 225
Flyer Orchid Species Show 2022
Buderim Garden Club Festival
Date October 21,22,23
Time Friday 21 Oct 4-7 pm Saturday 8am to 4pm Sunday 8 am to 3pm
Place Buderim War Memorial Hall, Main and Church Streets.
Features. Seniors Lunch Spring Flowers, A major feature of the festival
is the competitive Spring Flower & Photographic
Shows including cut flowers, floral arrangements, potted plants,
foliage, hanging baskets, bonsai plants and garden photography.
Costs Ticket can be purchased online at (Ticket sales normally start in August)
An inclusive weekend Festival ticket for all of the above is $20.00, or
$3 each ($5 family) entry only to the Spring Flower Show in the main hall and the Garden Photography in the hall foyer.
Contact, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone 0448 714 561 John Lyon president
Flyer Buderim Garden Club Festival
Begonias and More
Date October ,22nd 2022
Time Saturday 9am to 3pm
Place Belmont Shooting Centre,1485 Old Cleveland Rd, Belmont.
Features. Seniors Lunch Spring Flowers, A major feature of the festival
is the competitive Spring Flower & Photographic
Shows including cut flowers, floral arrangements, potted plants,
foliage, hanging baskets, bonsai plants and garden photography.
Costs $4 entry
iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer Begonias and More Oct 2022
A tour of Government House gardens
DATE Thursday 3rd November
OPEN TIMES 10:15 start 10:30 am finishes 12 noon
PLACE 168 Fernberg Road, Paddington Qld 4064,Australia Gate B
COST maximum of 60 free RSVP Wednesday 14th October
WAIT LIST As of 12/9/2022 maximum booking reached. Wait list for 2nd visit open.
FEATURES Tour led by head gardener Richard Symmonds and volunteers.
Flyer Government House Visit
Ipswich Garden and Plant Fair
DATE 5th November
OPEN TIMES 8:30pm to 1:30Pm
PLACE Tulmur Place - the old mall
COST Free Free parking live music
FEATURES How you begin exhibiting roses.
CONTACT Chantal De Vere | Facebook
Flyer 1 Ipswich Fair location
Flyer 2 Ipswich Fair events
Queensland Rose Society Meeting
DATE 9th November
OPEN TIMES 7:00pm to 9Pm
PLACE Annerley see QRS web page
FEATURES How you begin exhibiting roses.
CONTACT email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer Exhibiting Roses
Wintle's Open Garden 2022
DATE 19th 20th November
OPEN TIMES 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
PLACE 5 Crlton Court Birkdale
COST $10 entry Children Free
FEATURES Subtropical garden featuring SE Asia plants and exotic fruits
Ian and Judy Wintle's Home for 20 years.
CONTACT Subtropical Queensland Open Garden (
Flyer Wintles Open Garden
Christmas Luncheon and Biennial Awards
DATE 30th November
OPEN TIMES 11 am to 2 pm
PLACE Auditorium Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha Toowong
COST $40 each
FEATURES Plant Sales Cards, Craft, Gifts Orchid Supplies Orchids.
CONTACT email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ann Baster 0439 720565
Flyer Invite to 2022 Christmas Luncheon
Tropical Foliage Festival
DATE Sat 26th Nov and Sun 27 Nov
OPEN TIMES 8 am to 3 pm then 9 to 2 pm
PLACE 1485 Old Cleveland Road Belmont.
COST $5 admission plus food stalls
FEATURES Many Varieties of Sub Tropical Foliage, Cordylines,
Broms, Heliconia's, Gingers, Orchids., Garden Equipment., Monster Raffle,
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., mob 0402933544
Flyer Tropical Foliage festival
To Be Confirmed
Spring Orchid & Foliage Show by Bribie Island Orchid Society Inc
DATE Friday & Saturday, 7th & 8th October with set-up and judging on 6th
PLACE The Orchid House, Indoor Bowls Hall and adjoining parkland, 156A First Ave, Bribie Island
FEATURES wheelchair friendly access, unlimited car parking