Christmas Breakup and Biennial Awards
at Mt Coot-tha Auditorium 2021.
It was wonderful to celebrate the culmination of another year at the Mt Coot-tha Auditorium,(24th Nov) after the many Functions that have been cancelled in the last two years. There were 93 Members from 28 Clubs in attendance. As it was the Biennial Awards there was a panel of three Judges:
Angela Trenerry from Touch Football Australia
Carwyn Arnold from the Probus Association of Queensland and
Des Boyland from the Wildlife Preservation Society who made the presentations.
They had a tough job sorting through the
many nominations.
Entrance Plaque Brisbane Botanic Gardens
A Special Guest was Ross McKinnon (pictured below) whose Contribution to the Development of the Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens was acknowledged by the present Curator Dale Arvidsson.

Front Door
The Entry Door was manned by Committee Members Delwyn Hallett and Trish Mc Morrine surrounded by some of the many Raffle prizes.

Happy Ladies
Happy Ladies from Albany Creek Garden Club. Shirley Morris, Dulcie Adam, Bronwyn Briant, and Pam Rodrigues.

Floral Art
Other Happy Guests included Dell Underwood from Greenpark Garden Club and Heather Prior OAM President of The Floral Art Society.

Individual Contribution Mt Mee
Most Contribution by an Individual to a Club.Awarded to Pam Nott from Mt Mee Garden Club and accepted by Tom Hayes Vice President of Q. C. G. C.

Community Award Mt Mee
Most Contribution by an Individual to the Community, awarded to Denny Barry from the Mt Mee Garden Club and also accepted by Vice President of Q. C. G. C. Tom Hayes

Club Award Buderim
Most Contribution by a Club to the Community Won by Buderim Garden Club and accepted by President John Lyon.

Horticultural Award The Gap
Most Contribution by an Individual to Horticulture.Won by Narelle Richter from The Gap Garden Club.

Christmas Luncheon

Lucky Door Prize

Raffle Winners

Winner of Raffle
And Bronwyn Briant from Albany Creek Garden Club with a beautiful Anthurium.

Enjoy the party. Stories and photos by Elizabeth Parkinson