A Garden A-Fair now called Plant & Floral Fair
Flyer Plant &Floral Fair 2025
A Garden A-Fair details for club participation. AGAF Expression of Interest 2022
Plant and Floral Spectacular flyer 2024
2022 AGAF schedule
2022 AGAF Competition Entry Form
(QCGC Members only) 2022 Invitation to Participate
A Garden Affair flyer 2022
A Garden A-Fair 2011
African Violet Display 22-10-2011

Begonias 2011

Bonsia 2011

Bromeliad 2011

Cactus & Succulents Close up 2011

Cuttings 2011

Daylilies 2011

Dieffenbachia 2011

Ferns Large 2011

Ferns Small on the bench

Flora Art 2011

Floral Display Large

Flowering Cuts 2011

Flowering Cuts 2 in 2011

Flowering Plants 2011

Foliage Plants 2011

Front Counter Entrance to the Show Raffle point.

Geranium Society 2011

Gerberas on Show 2011

Greenpark Garden Club 2011

Hanging Baskets 2011

Hanging Ferns 2011

Hippeastrums 2011

Kenmore Garden Club Large display

More Cut Flowers 2011

Orchids on the Bench 2011

Plant Stall at the rear of the Auditorium

Roses on Display 2011

Cactus and Succulents Society display 2011

The Gap Garden Club Floral Art Display

Combined Vegetables Display 2011

A Garden A-Fair 2019
Phil Adam President.

The Cooks and the Chefs

Heather Prior and Phil Adam

Phil Again

David Stephenson and Phil Adam

Treasurer Dorothy Tyrell

Lemons and Limes

Floral Art

Floral Art

Out the back

More Winners

Roses too

Dahlias on Show

Floral Art Winner

Floral Art Winner

Queensland Camellia Society

Another Winner from Northern Districts

Winners are Grinners

Phil Adam with Prize winner

For Sale

A Garden A-Fair 2020

Kenmore Garden Club Lorrie Maher

Cactus and Succulent Society Queensland Inc

Hibiscus from Lorrie Maher Kenmore Garden Club

Dahlia from Steven Wedd Northern NSW

Photos and Plants on Display

Cactus and Succulents for sale

The Happy Shoppers grabbing a bargain

Gerbers on Display

The Shop Keepers

Heather Prior and President Phil Adam

Queensland Camellia Society

The prize giver Phil Adam

David Stephenson and Phil Adam showing off the trophy.

Noel, June, Phil, David, Heather as the Winner's circle

Phil Adam escorting the fine lady winners
A Garden A-Fair

Phil Adam and Laraine Ziebel
Floral art winner

Phil Adam again

Noel Maureen and Phil

Laraine, Noel, Heather, Dorothy,
Phil, June, David, Neville


First Prize

Floral Art Society of Queensland


First Prize

Floral Art

Queensland Dahlia Society, Inc

Queensland Rose Society, Inc

A Garden A-Fair 2022 Series 1
Roses on the Front Table

Display Plants

Display Pots

Display More Pots

Dahlia Stand

QRS Rose Display

Plant Sale bonanza

Dahlia Display Bench

Floral Art

Floral Art 2

More Bench

A Garden A-Fair 2022 Series 2














Plant and Flower Spectacular 2023
Herb Society
The Second Prize for Society Display was won by The Herb Society.

The Queensland Rose Society
The Rose Society had a beautiful Display.

Floral Art
Many Beautiful entries in the Floral Art section.

The Honorable Governor Jeanette Young.

Floral Art

Floral Art

Floral Art
Arrangement using Foliage

Out of Africa

Hibiscus Wayne Kelly Class 20
The Flowers on the Bench were Stunning.

Winning Rose
Tom Cole Queensland Rose Society

Love the colours.

Unusally shapes Doubles

Governor Jeanette Young and her Husband Graham Nimmo who is our Patron

Cordyline Society

The Best Rose and the Noela Abeya Perpetual Trophy was won by Tom Cole and the Trophy accepted by Bevan Dance from the Queensland Rose Society pictured with President Phil Adam.

The Dahlias were sensational, admired by The Governor, our President Phil Adam and our Patron Graham Nimmo RFD.

Plant and Flower Spectacular 2024 Winners
Hi Members,
Thirty members of garden clubs and societies staged 350 entries on the competition bench. This number was lower than previous years, but the standard was still high. Five societies had a display promoting their group and answered questions from interested visitors.Thank you to the judges for using their expertise to select winning exhibits. Robyn Bauer of Robyn Bauer Studio Gallery had a challenging job choosing the best photos in the Photography section.Thank also to the many clubs for sponsoring a prize for winning exhibits and the businesses for supporting the show and donating products.
Anne Baster Secretary Queensland Council of Garden Clubs
Eleanor Lydon Floral Art

There were some Fabulous Raffle Prizes and the Floral Art was as Spectacular as ever.
Steve Flood had some beautiful Plants for sale, and gave a very interesting talk to an enthusiastic Audience.
Elspeth Davies from The Queensland Herb Society the Award for 2nd in the Society Display. Presented by President Phil Adam.
In Home Grown Produce, a Bunch of Mixed Herbs, Elspeth Davies from The Queensland Herb Society won with the Best Exhibit.
Rod Nicholls from Northern Districts also had a Plant Stall with Daughter Kylie.
In Section 3. Container plants the Winner was Rod Nicholls from Northern Districts Horticultural Society with his Beautiful Aglaonema.
The Winner of many prizes was Stephen Wedd whose Dahlias were just Superb. Pictured receiving his Award from President Phil Adam.
In Cut Flowers and Foliage the Queensland Dahlia Society was the Club gaining the Most Points and received the Harold Caulfield Perpetual Trophy.
Noel Priors winning rosellas
Class 8. Novice Art, Petals the first prize winner was Jillian Mahoney
Are these lemons
Elizabeth Parkinson's Cup
Winning Pumpkins Lynette Shailer
Lynette Shailer Pumpkins. Queensland Camellia Society

Northern Districts Club Prize Noel prior
Northern Districts Hanging Baskets
Phil Adam with Lynette Shailer Queensland Camellia Society
Phil Adam, Heather Prior and Noel Prior
Noel Prior Northern Districts Horticultural Society.

The Winner of many prizes was Stephen Wedd whose Dahlias were just Superb. Pictured receiving his Award from President Phil Adam.
Anne Baster and Phil Adam
Phil Adam and Heaather Prior
Phil Adam laying out the trophies
Bill Henman Sue Keays Noel Prior Heather Prior and Anne Munro
Steve Flood had some beautiful Plants for sale, and gave a very interesting talk to an enthusiastic Audience.
Noel Prior and Sue Keays
Jillian Mahoney in deep conversation about the plants on display.
Vice President Tom Hayes relaxing
Delwyn Hallet and Anne Munro at the front Desk
Sue Keays and Shirley Brann with the first prize of the raffle won by Shirley Dance
Second Third and Fourth Raffle Prizes
Roses on the Bench
Patrick Smith Ipswich Horticultural Society

Spectacular Floral Art by Eleanor Lydon
Eleanor Lydon Rose Floral Art

Queensland Rose Society Stand
Herb Society Garden Stand
Organic Growers Society Stand
In Cut Flowers and Foliage the Queensland Dahlia Society was the Club gaining the Most Points and received the Harold Caulfield Perpetual Trophy.
QCGC Photographic Competition
QCGC Banner
Click on slider to see details
A Garden A-Fair