Newtown Park Toowoomba

Newtown, a town in its own right from 1913-1917, had rapid housing grown immediately after WWII

When Newtown had town status it provided services such as Council Chambers in the Newtown Hall, a fire station and a private hospital  It also developed Newtown park with a history of cultural, sporting and military uses.

Toowoomba Regional Council has published a brochure, "A Walk through History- Newtown" avalable at the Customrer Service Centres, Visitor Information Centre, Council Libraries for those who are interested in looking in greater detail,-   We hope you will pick up and find out more about this historic park


Photos as zipped downloads  

Alistair Clark Collection

Rose Cottage

Entrance to Newtown Park

Early Heritage Rose Garden

Established Heirtage Rose Garden

General Park Photos

Rose People

Reithmuller Collection

General Roses

Triai Grdens

Veterans Memorails

Garden of Excellence WFRS
