QCGC Login Options
With the normal startup all the public access material is freely available and data is displayed as an open public document. There is a firewall for members only material and this is accessed using the login facility.
If you login as a delegate then the web site is updated so that it displays items like the newsletters, minutes, emails and most delegate orientated activities. These facilities are available as read only and downloadable material. The secretary, webmaster or admin officer are the only users that can update the web site using a login with admin rights.
The webmaster has total access to the website as a super user and can delete any inappropriate material.
The admin officer can sign in as admin. He can create web pages from your on blog material as an author to the web site. Clubs can submit material to the secretary or webmaster which can be loaded onto this web site using the admin login. Often word documents are used to prepare web pages. PDF files can be loaded as club event brochures. Photos(as jpeg's) can be included in the blog material as they will add to the appeal of the blog..
The firewalls are new and will allow QCGC to "silo data" (limit access) for various users and activities. At this stage a password system will act as the firewall.
Contact Details for QCGC
Contact details appear on this web site for the convenience of club members.
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postal Address
The Secretary
Queensland Council of Garden Clubs,
PO Box 5545, Stafford Heights,
Qld 4053
Banking Details
Queensland Council of Garden Clubs Inc
Westpac BSB 034063
Account 238783..
Current details for ABN 16 211 579 046
President Phil Adam
Secretary Anne Baster This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Assistant Secretary Ann-Marie Eames
Treasurer Anne Munro This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Publicity Elizabeth Parkinson
Newsletter Editor Bill Henman This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Webmaster John Keays This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Committee: Delwyn Hallet
Sandra Logue
Sheree Shannon
Club Admin Forms
Use the web site to provide details to QCGC. Fill out the form and post the details to QCGC.
(1) Membership Application
(2) Update Club Details
(3) Update Club Event Details
(4) Submit Newsletter Article
Whilst every effort is made to publish accurate information, QCGC accepts no responsibility for statements made, opinions expressed or mention of commercial products by contributors
Authors and speakers are responsible for the accuracy of all information in their media articles in any form of public communication. These articles do not necessarily express the viewpoint of the executive and working officers of QCGC or its committees.
Queensland Council of Gardens Facebook Page
ABOUT Queensland Council of Garden Clubs
Queensland Council of Garden Clubs Inc. was established in April 1967 as an organisation of garden clubs to encourage friendship and co-operation between them.
It is an independent organisation whose members are garden clubs, specialist plant societies and other special interest groups in Queensland and acts as an umbrella organisation for them.
Professor Graeme Nimmo RFD is the Patron. He is the husband of the Governor of Queensland Dr Jeanette Young.
Presentation of certificate of appreciation from Phil Adam to Professor Graeme Nimmo at the Presidents morning Tea 14th April 2022.
All member clubs are autonomous organisations that hold regular meetings with guest speakers, plant sales, plant culture demonstrations, exhibition/show/competition bench, excursions and other related activities. Garden Clubs have an interest in gardening in general. Plant Societies usually feature one group of plants and provide cultural information. Special Interest Groups floral art, competition bench & garden judging, organic gardening, creative arts, etc
Office bearers
The Office Bearers that form the Management Committee belong to a member club and are elected at the AGM. They act in a voluntary capacity. Delegates meetings are held monthly to obtain information about events and the results of committee discussions. It also provides the opportunity for clubs to give feedback to the management committee. Each member club is encouraged to have 2 delegates attend. Committee meetings are held monthly after the Delegates meeting
Committee members are the key to an organisation's success &/or failure.
- Must be familiar with the Rules of the organisation.
- Must be aware of the legal, financial, ethical, moral, and physical requirements of a committee.
- Must maintain confidentiality on relevant matters.
- Should be familiar with the duties of all office bearers.
- Should be well informed of all organisation activities.
- Should participate in discussions on planning, delivery & evaluation of activities.
- Should be supportive to organisation members.
- Should participate in making financial decisions and monitoring financial position in accordance with the wishes of the members.
- Should support all the decisions made not just the ones they voted for.
- Must not operate as a law unto themselves or in the interest of one specific group.
- Monthly committee meeting (approx 11.30am - Ipm) follows the General Meeting (10am- 11.30am approx)
- Venue Auditorium, Administration Centre, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha
- Attendance at functions through the year on last Wednesday of the month
- Presidents Day — March
- Friendship Day — June
- Fashion Parade — August
- Christmas Luncheon - November.
Club Officers
- Represent the organisation where required.
- Coordinate the function of the organisation.
- Provide leadership that encourages collective success and supports all organisation members.
- Keep the big picture in mind.
- Manage committee, general and annual general meetings.
- Liaise with Secretary as required.
- Liaise with Assistant Secretary for meeting agenda.
- Coordinate planning.
- Compare
- Assist with set up and clean up.
- Prepare a report for the Newsletter Editor.
- Proofread Newsletter.
Vice President
Vice President
- Represent President as required.
- Coordinate guest speakers for Presidents Day and Friendship Day.
- Coordinate entertainment for Christmas Luncheon when not a Biennial Awards year.
- Coordinate annual excursion.
- Compere functions
- Ring and book guest speaker/entertainer. Discuss fee/expenses.
- Request profile for introductions.
- Send confirmation email/letter.
- Arrange for gift/payment.
- Contact week before to confirm/remind.
- Meet, accompany, and attend to requirements of guest speaker/entertainer throughout event.
- Introduce guest speaker/entertainer during event.
- Give vote of thanks to guest speaker/entertainer.
- Assist with set up and clean up.
- Responsible for correspondence, telephone calls, membership, function venue bookings.
- Keep records in a timely and orderly manner.
- Liaise with President as required.
- Liaise with other committee members as required.
- Receive and respond to all correspondence.
- Inform delegates and committee of items for attention.
- Forward on information about shows and events to Webmaster.
- Keep a record of all correspondence.
- Keep a record of expenses.
- Forward information to other committee members as appropriate.
- Liaise with Webmaster for maintaining Website.
Telephone calls
- Attend to phone calls as required.
- Maintain Membership Register.
- Follow up enquiries about membership.
- Provide Treasurer, Webmaster and Newsletter Editor with details of new and resigning members.
- Prepare Renewal of Membership Form with Annual Fee for mailing out in January Newsletter.
- Produce Register of Members annually to be included with April Newsletter.
- Produce Contacts brochure as required for shows eg. EKKA, QId Garden Expo
- Book venues for meetings and functions.
- Make and send invitations and flyers.
- Prepare sign on sheet for attendees.
- Prepare seating plan.
- Provide attendance numbers and clubs for President.
- Liaise with Treasurer for numbers attending.
- Assist with set up and clean up.
- Prepare an update for the Newsletter Editor.
Assitant Secretary
Assistant Secretary
- Prepare agendas and record minutes of meetings.
- Assist Secretary as required.
- Function sign on table
- Convene meetings as required by Rules.
- Prepare agenda for meetings referencing Meetings Calendar and Functions Planners in consultation with President.
- Record apologies at meetings.
- Ensure quorum is present at each meeting.
- Print minutes of previous meetings for distribution to members attending meetings.
- Maintain folder of signed Minutes.
- Take minutes of meetings.
- Write up minutes of meetings.
- Maintain Meeting Attendance Records (Sign on book).
- Forward agendas and minutes to committee members and Delegates prior to meetings.
- Oversee attendees sign on at entry with Treasurer.
- Provide information about seating, location of raffle, and morning tea. Assist with set up and clean up.
- Assist with setup and cleanup
- Responsible for recording, maintaining, and reporting financial and resource data.
- Keep clear records of all income and expenditure.
- Receive, receipt, and bank all monies.
- Maintain record of all assets, equipment, and property.
- Give receipts to Secretary for mailing.
- Make recommendation for annual membership fee.
- Reimburse committee members for expenses incurred.
- Present accounts to committee to be passed.
- Pay accounts as instructed by committee.
- Prepare financial statement for committee meetings.
- Report summary of statement to Delegates at General Meetings.
Annual report
- Prepare information for Auditor for Annual Report and Balance sheet.
- Provide information about depreciation and value of assets.
- Provide a report for the Newsletter Editor for April Newsletter.
- Liaise with Secretary for numbers attending.
- Take monies (cash, square reader deposits) at entry with Assistant Secretary.
- Check attendees against lists with Assistant Secretary.
- Provide float monies for raffle.
- Receive and receipt monies taken from raffles and other sources.
- Assist with set up and clean up.
Publicity and Media
Publicity and Media
Prepare and distribute media statements.
- Prepare and distribute media statements for Plant and Floral Spectacular.
- Coordinate brochures for shows.
- Coordinate between Facebook and website.
- Prepare and distribute media statements for Plant and Floral Spectacular.
- Organise flyer distribution for Plant and Floral Spectacular.
- Take photos at functions and send copies to Archivist, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster.
- Write a report of each function and send to Newsletter Editor and Webmaster.
- Assist with set up and clean up.
Club brochures
- Maintain numbers of QCGC Contacts brochures and member club brochures.
- Request supplies from clubs where required.
- Give to Coordinator of events where required, eg QId Garden Expo
Social Media
- Coordinate social media posts.
- Prepare, arrange printing and distribution of the Quarterly Newsletter.
- Obtain information/article from
- President,
- Secretary,
- Guest Speakers and Excursions, Environment, Publicity,
- Treasurer (Annual Report),
- Vice President (Excursion)
- Obtain reports from clubs
- Prepare Newsletter.
- Send to President for proof reading.
- Arrange for printing MAD printers
- Arrange for envelopes to be printed.
- Coordinate collation and posting.
- Obtain sponsorship, advertising (guidelines to be decided by committee)
- Coordinate catering for meetings and functions.
- Maintain tea, coffee, sugar supplies.
- Maintain linen.
- Presidents Day, Friendship Day, Fashion Parade, Christmas Luncheon
- Liaise with catering company for catered functions.
- Ask for volunteers to help.
- Coordinate volunteers for food preparation and serving.
- Purchase disposables, plates, serviettes, cups etc, as required.
- Coordinate setting up and clearing away drink stations, food tables.
- Coordinate assembling of food on plates/packages.
- Hand receipts of purchases to Treasurer for reimbursement
- Delegates and committee
- Purchase milk, biscuits.
- Set up and clean up morning tea
- Hand receipts of purchases to Treasurer for reimbursement
- Plant & Floral Spectacular
- Coordinate refreshments as determined by committee.
- Purchase food supplies and disposables.
- Coordinate volunteers for food preparation and serving.
- Serve customers as required.
- Arrange storage of linen.
- Take linen etc. to functions as required.
- Arrange for laundering of used linen
- Maintain website.
- Obtain information from President, Secretary, Publicity Officer.
- Obtain reports and photos from Publicity, Environment.
- Obtain membership list from Secretary.
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker
- Maintain Guest Speaker list.
- Send registration forms to prospective guest speakers and record in list.
- Give a report at General Meetings of new registrations and removals.
- Give details of new guest speakers to Newsletter Editor for Newsletter.
- Arrange printing of list as required.
- Biennially, contact all persons for accuracy of information - shared amongst committee.
Excursion Coordination
- Coordinate excursion as required.
- Provide details to Newsletter Editor.
- Collect fees and give to Treasurer.
- Arrange gift/payment for host/venue.
- Give invoices and proceeds to Treasurer.
- Provide a report for Newsletter Editor.
Excursions Functions
- Maintain lists of Excursions
- Follow up suggestions of destinations.
- Give a report at General Meetings of new venues and removals.
- Give details of new excursion destinations to Newsletter Editor for Newsletter
- Arrange printing of list as required.
- Coordinate raffles for functions
- Organise prizes.
- Make signs advising price.
- Organise raffle assistants.
- Receipt all income with Treasurer.
- Assist drawing of raffle and lucky door.
- Record raffle winners at functions and give to Publicity for report for Newsletter.
- Contact winners if not present.
Record donations from clubs and give list to President..
Whilst every effort is made to publish accurate information, QCGC accepts no responsibility for statements made, opinions expressed or mention of commercial products by contributors
Authors and speakers are responsible for the accuracy of all information in their media articles in any form of public communication. These articles do not necessarily express the viewpoint of the executive and working officers of QCGC or its committees.
The objects of the association are—
- To broaden the scope of member clubs in their activities by combining together as a Council.
- To promote the development of horticultural knowledge and interests among member clubs and the wider community.
- To promote the enjoyment of gardening and friendship among member clubs.
- To encourage an understanding of conservation of our national and natural heritage.
- To participate in community events and projects that contribute to the beautification of our natural and built environment through enhancements to public parks, gardens, and like facilities
In the 1960’s the words "Conservation and Preservation" were on everybody's lips. Ideas generated by Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" were just beginning to be discussed by thoughtful people. On the whole, garden clubs were not conscious of any duty to their members other than to give them garden talks and to arrange pleasant field days and other outings. Club library books were for the most part dealt with purely horticultural subjects, together with floral art.
Then, early in 1967, some garden club members, were more aware of the urgency behind the words "conservation" and "preservation" and felt, "If only there were a body which could focus attention on this: if only there were a body which could draw all the Garden Clubs together, and act as a channel of information, not only for the great things, but for the small."
A group of women did some spade work, planted the seeds of their deliberations and the Queensland Council of Garden Clubs germinated.
They were affiliated with certain organisations working specifically for the things we gardeners hold dear, and it was felt while they needed support in terms of finance, we would all gain by the generation of good-will amongst the several groups. These organisations were:
Australian Council for Conservation; The Queensland Council for Conservation; Keep Australia Beautiful; The Littoral Society, National Council for Women. Many of those members belonged as individual members to FIDO (Fraser Island Defenders Organisation), The National Trust, and Wildlife Preservation Society.
In the next 20 years the Council voiced its opinions, protests and constructive suggestions in many fields of gardening activity, but it was increasingly aware of public responsibility as regards conservation. Among the many issues calling for action were beach mining, poison sprays, pollution of the environment, the encouragement of interest in our native plants and their cultivation and the support of organisations such as "Keep Australia Beautiful".
QCGC - Bringing clubs together through a mutual love of gardening
Main Menu Contact for all enquiries - secretary2@qcgc.net