ABOUT Queensland Council of Garden Clubs

Queensland Council of Garden Clubs Inc. was established in April 1967 as an organisation of garden clubs to encourage friendship and co-operation between them. 

It is an independent organisation whose members are garden clubs, specialist plant societies and other special interest groups in Queensland and acts as an umbrella organisation for them.


Professor Graeme Nimmo RFD is the Patron. He is the husband of the Governor of Queensland Dr Jeanette Young.

IMG 7960philgov

Presentation of certificate of appreciation from Phil Adam to Professor Graeme Nimmo at the Presidents morning Tea 14th April 2022.


All member clubs are autonomous organisations that hold regular meetings with guest speakers, plant sales, plant culture demonstrations, exhibition/show/competition bench, excursions and other related activities. Garden Clubs have an interest in gardening in general. Plant Societies usually feature one group of plants and provide cultural information. Special Interest Groups floral art, competition bench & garden judging, organic gardening, creative arts, etc 

Office bearers

The Office Bearers that form the Management Committee belong to a member club and are elected at the AGM. They act in a voluntary capacity. Delegates meetings are held monthly to obtain information about events and the results of committee discussions.  It also provides the opportunity for clubs to give feedback to the management committee. Each member club is encouraged to have 2 delegates attend. Committee meetings are held monthly after the Delegates meeting

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