The objects of the association are—

  • To broaden the scope of member clubs in their activities by combining together as a Council.
  • To promote the development of horticultural knowledge and interests among member clubs and the wider community.
  • To promote the enjoyment of gardening and friendship among member clubs.
  • To encourage an understanding of conservation of our national and natural heritage.
  • To participate in community events and projects that contribute to the beautification of our natural and built environment through enhancements to public parks, gardens, and like facilities 


In the 1960’s the words "Conservation and Preservation" were on everybody's lips.  Ideas generated by Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" were just beginning to be discussed by thoughtful people.  On the whole, garden clubs were not conscious of any duty to their members other than to give them garden talks and to arrange pleasant field days and other outings. Club library books were for the most part dealt with purely horticultural subjects, together with floral art.

Then, early in 1967, some garden club members, were more aware of the urgency behind the words "conservation" and "preservation" and felt, "If only there were a body which could focus attention on this: if only there were a body which could draw all the Garden Clubs together, and act as a channel of information, not only for the great things, but for the small."

 A group of women did some spade work, planted the seeds of their deliberations and the Queensland Council of Garden Clubs germinated.

They were affiliated with certain organisations working specifically for the things we gardeners hold dear, and it was felt while they needed support in terms of finance, we would all gain by the generation of good-will amongst the several groups.  These organisations were:

Australian Council for Conservation; The Queensland Council for Conservation; Keep Australia Beautiful; The Littoral Society, National Council for Women. Many of those members belonged as individual members to FIDO (Fraser Island Defenders Organisation), The National Trust, and Wildlife Preservation Society.

In the next 20 years the Council voiced its opinions, protests and constructive suggestions in many fields of gardening activity, but it was increasingly aware of public responsibility as regards conservation.  Among the many issues calling for action were beach mining, poison sprays, pollution of the environment, the encouragement of interest in our native plants and their cultivation and the support of organisations such as "Keep Australia Beautiful".

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