Club Insurance for Garden Clubs

Garden clubs need to have insurance to cover accidents at club meetings and to protect the club executive from legal challenges.

QCGC does not offer insurance covers as a service.

Get quotes from Steadfast QIS,  Garden Clubs of Australia, Royal Horticultural Society of Victoria, Allianz, Apia, Local Community Insurance Services (LCIS) 

Carefully read the policy statements and compare with the Governmental requirements for Public LIability Insurance.


Grants for Garden Clubs

Garden clubs can apply for community grants.  It is up to the individual club to put in the effort to submit a request for grants.

Here is a list of common grants available in Queensland. If you know other grants send us a note.

Commonwealth Grants - 

Gambling Community Benefit Fund 

Queensland Department of Justice.  Given out annually.
Queensland Rose Society were given a grant for a trailer for the Rose show.

BCC Seniors Celebration Donation

The Seniors Celebration Donation helps senior citizens' groups to cover the cost of activities such as social outings and Christmas parties.

Brisbane City Council - Community Grants Register - Brisbane City Council | Community Grants Register - sign up

Funding available

Funding amounts range from $100 to $300.

Apply arounf september October  Donations

Roselovers have received around $200 in 2022,2023 and 2024

Kedron-Wavell Community Grants Program

The annual Kedron-Wavell Community Grants Program provides financial support to local individuals and community organisations that meet our eligibility criteria..

Bimer Bonsia collected a grant for their new video and sound system.  Other sponsors were involved.

Club Southside









Community Grants applications.  Head to our website to apply!
Annual application  Check dates first

Sunshine Coast Regional Council Grants

Applications for the following rounds are now open  Sunshine Coast.

For assistance please contact council on (07) 5420 8616 during business hours or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and quote your application number if available.

Cityof Moreton Bay Council 

Applications for the following rounds appear here





Minutes of Delegates Meetings

Delegates meeting November 2019

 Download July 2019 Delegates Metting.doc

 Download November 2019 Delegates Metting.doc

 Download October 2020 Delegates Metting.doc


 Dear members,

I have attached the minutes of the Delegates’’ November meeting for your information.

The next meeting will be Monday 3 February 2020 in the Seminar Room at the Administration Centre at the Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha. It would be wonderful to see Delegates from more clubs came and attend. Your input and participation is valued so that the Committee can make informed decisions on your behalf.

The Christmas Luncheon is less than two weeks away and I for one, am looking forward to celebrating the end of our year. Craig Shaw from Matrix music will be entertaining us - I have been to a couple of clubs where he has been the entertainer and really enjoyed it. There will also be a presentation to Dale Arvidsson of a cheque for $10,000 for structures in the Botanic Gardens, most notably a seat which will recognise the contribution Ross McKinnon has made during his term as Curator, not only to the Botanic Gardens but for the support he has provided to QCGC.

Best wishes to all your members for a happy and safe festive season.

Anne Baster


Queensland Council of Garden Clubs Inc

Ph 0439 720 565


Delegates Meeting 10 December 2020

Minutes of Meeting of delegates 10 December 2020

QCGC Home 

Greetings to you all,

The end of a very interesting year is fast approaching but here are several items to note. Please forward this on to your members also.


2020 has been a year many of us would like to forget for many reasons.  Most clubs have faced a curtailment of their normal activities.  We are all looking forward to a better year in 2021 for our gardens, our clubs and our families.  However, 2020 has not been without its positive side.  With few exceptions we have shown a remarkable community spirit where cooperation and caring have triumphed over narrow, more self-centred concerns.  Many people have found a renewed pleasure in their gardens which has helped them to remain grounded in the face of difficulties.  It is to be hoped that this increased interest in gardening can be maintained in the future.  Finally may I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.  May your gardens prosper.                                                              


QCGC is planning our usual events for 2021 in the expectation that they will all go ahead. Presidents’ Morning Tea March 31 Wednesday, Friendship Day June 30 Wednesday, Fashion Parade August 25 Wednesday, Christmas Luncheon and Biennial Awards November 24 Wednesday


The weekend of 10-11 April. The theme is Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Joseph Banks in Australia. There are many ways clubs and their members can participate. Clubs can apply to have a stall to sell products and enter the Club Competition. Individuals are encouraged to enter cuts, plants, floral art and home grown produce on the competition bench and send in an entry in the Photography section. Specialist plant societies may put on a static display. Look for information in the mail in mid-January.


The minutes are attached for your information.


This is currently being prepared and will be posted mid -January.  If your club has an item you wish to be included please send to me before December 17.


The AM will be held on Monday 15 February 2021 in the Auditorium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens staring at 10am. All positions will be declared vacant and clubs may nominate one of your members for any position particularly Assistant Secretary and Environment which have not been filled this year. Please contact me to request information on what the position entails. Committee meetings are held monthly after the Delegates meeting.


            The forms will be included with the January Newsletter. The fee remains at $25 and is due by 29 February 2021.


Covid has caused major disruption to our meetings this year. The Seminar Room at Brisbane Botanic Gardens (BBG) was unavailable which meant changing to the Auditorium at BBG. Due to the 1st Monday being unavailable the day also had to be changed. At this stage meetings have been scheduled for the Auditorium at BBG and because of prior bookings the days are not consistent. Dates so far are February 15 Monday, March 11 Thursday, April 1 Thursday, May 13 Thursday. Please notify your Delegate.

9 Just Geraniums - Wendy Skelton

“Just advising that in 2021 I won't be doing presentations at garden club venues. However, Garden clubs can visit (either in Bus or by car) and enjoy a free presentation whilst they are here, more details are on my website…“

I would like to wish you all a very happy and safe holiday season and look forward to seeing or hearing from you next year.

Kind regards

Anne Baster


Queensland Council of Garden Clubs Inc


Notice Of Annual General Meeting

AGM Model Motions

Date Claim March 11 Tuesday AGM 2025

Annual General Meeting  IMPORTANT

To be held Thursday 11 March in the Auditorium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens.

The Minutes of 2020 AGM are attached.

Agenda for 2021 is attached. You will note that no nominations have been received for Vice President, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary (Minutes), Newsletter Editor.

Please consider asking one of your members who may be currently, or have done, one of these roles in the past. The meetings are held monthly (Committee follows the Delegates).


Download AGM 14 March 2023.doc

Download AGM 11 March 2021.doc

Download AGM 11 March 2021 Meeting agenda

Download AGM 2 MArch 2020 Annual General Meeting

Members are hereby advised that the Annual General Meeting of Queensland Council of Garden Clubs Inc. will be held on Thursday 11 March 2021, commencing at 10 am in the Auditorium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha, Toowong. Please ensure that your club or society has renewed its membership to be eligible to vote. Two delegates from each member club are invited to attend. Each club is entitled to one vote.Members are hereby advised that the Annual General Meeting of Queensland Council of Garden Clubs Inc. will be held on Thursday 11 March 2021, commencing at 10 am in the Auditorium, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha, Toowong. Please ensure that your club or society has renewed its membership to be eligible to vote. Two delegates from each member club are invited to attend. Each club is entitled to one vote.

Anne Baster


Queensland Council of Garden Clubs Inc

Ph 0439 720 565


QCGC - Bringing clubs together through a  mutual love of gardening

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