Annual General Meetings
Date Claim March 11 Tuesday AGM 2025
By the terms of the constitution each year there is an AGM.
The Anual General Meeting is held in March each year.
Details below show the reports on the annual activities of Queensland Council of Garden Clubs
List of QCGC Activities QCGC Home
QCGC Newsletters
QCGC publish a quarterly newsletters that is currently posted to the secretary of each financial members of the Queensland Council of Garden Clubs. Content varies depending on the season.. The newsletter contains photos of the recently QCGC events, club events, cultural notes, important gardening upcoming gardening events.
Contact newsletter editor Bill Henman at if you have an article that you wish to submit to QCGC for publication.
The newsletters and the emails posted by the secretary are the main avenue for communications.
List of QCGC Activities QCGC Home
QCGC Web site
Brochure material can be emailed to QCGC (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)for inclusion web pages under the club functions menu. Please supply the details as a PDF so that the public can download and print the brochure in house. This is the cheapest alternative for mass publicity. However don't rely on just one lot of media for an advertising campaign. Member clubs are entitled to post a simple flyer details of current events on the QCGC calendar.
QCGC Facebook
Delwyn Hallet is the moderator of the QCGC Facebook Page. Members are encouraged to post upcoming social events and club activities so that the QCGC members can enjoy networking about gardening activities. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Facebook is very immediate so only post current or recent events. The moderator must approve a post before it becomes public.
Queensland Council of Garden Clubs | Facebook
QCGC Newsletter Articles.
The newsletter editor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) is always looking for gardening articles and write ups of local garden events. Articles can be written in Word format so that the newsletter editor can manipulate the article to fit the appropriate space in the magazine. Word is preferable to PDF as it is difficult to do text editing on PDF documents. Photos are best included as a separate JPG files. Higher quality photos are required for publishing. Mobile phone photos are usually okay at full resolution.
Media and Publicity
At most of the QCGC events Elizabeth Parkinson takes photos of speakers and attendees at these function. These details are included in the QCGC newsletter, posts in QCGC Facebook and a record of activities on the web site. Elizabeth Parkinson also makes contact with commercial media prior to events so that news can be posted on the radio, TV and for online streaming services such as U-Tube. QCGC may charge for significant promotional or commercial material.
List of QCGC Activities and Services in Queensland
The Queensland Council of Garden Clubs provides the management of many activities in Queensland in cooperation with its member garden and special interest clubs.
Annual General Meetings
Services for Members
Advertising and Promotion
QCGC Functions
Delegates Meetings
Facebook Links
Main Menu
QCGC Facebook
Delwyn Hallet is the moderator of the QCGC Facebook Page. Members are encouraged to post upcoming social events and club activities so that the QCGC members can enjoy networking about gardening activities. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Facebook is very immediate so only post current or recent events. The moderator must approve a post before it becomes public.
Queensland Council of Gardens Facebook Page
Club Facebook Pages
African Violets and Gesneriads Australia
QCGC - Bringing clubs together through a mutual love of gardening
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