Boonah District Garden Club

Friendship Day 28 Sept 2022

This year unlike previous years due to Covid restrictions the Boonah District Garden Club was able to hold a Friendship Day where members of other clubs were able to attend.

List of Member Club Events

On 28 September the club held a High Tea Friendship Day” where sixty five members and twenty one guests attended.  As a result of receiving a grant from the Scenic Rim Council the event took  place in the Boonah Cultural Centre.

Pink and floral was the theme. Members out did themselves by bringing in a multitude of cuttings and flowers to decorate the hall.  Ashley Haag a long term member brought in buckets of various coloured sweet peas.  Their fragrance filled the hall with their beautiful perfume.

laidley show

Members showed that not only are they excellent gardeners but also wonderful country cooks. Each member was asked to bring something for the High Tea.  Delicious cakes, tarts and slices filled the tiered cakestands and the beautiful crockery enhanced the high tea atmosphere.


 2022 09 28 Boonah GC High Tea


The competition table showcased what can be grown in the Scenic Rim area and the club received many compliments on the quality of the entrants.

Chelsea Allan from Travallan Lifestyle Centre at Booval was the club’s guest speaker.  She introduced a number of new plants on the market and gave a very relaxed talk on the use of fertilizers.

In addition the members brought in a number of potted plants for sale on their plant stall and several items for the bric a brac stall.  As usual the rolling raffle was a great success with the number of wonderful raffle prizes. Boonah’s country balladeer Darryl Freiberg entertained guests with his melodies and his jokes.

Friendship is like a cup of tea a special blend of you and me.  All in all Boonah District Garden Club believes that the day was very successful and hopes that all their guests had a lovely day.