List of Major Gardening Shows

Over the years the QCGC publicity team has attended many of the gardening show in SE Queensland.  After the event photos are often collected and loaded onto the QCGC web site as art of the records of QCGC activities.  For those that might want to attend have a look at the photos of these events.  Material from these events is generally not copyrighted so you can copy details for your local club.  For those unable to attend this is a great record of the happenings in the gardening fraternity. 

Annual Sogetsu Ikebana Queensland Exhibition

Boonah Garden Club 

Brochure Colour on Parade 

Carnival of Flowers 

Ekka Show 2022 

Ipswich Plant Expo 

Laidley Garden Show   

Memorabilia Colour on Parade  

Nambour 2021 

Nambour 2022  

Pine Rivers Show  

Queensland Garden Expo 

Toowoomba Clivia Show  

Wondai Garden Expo  

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