Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Bus Shelter, President Joan Lister 1982

With the Commonwealth Games only about two months off, various community groups have been answering the call to ensure that Brisbane is a pleasant and hospitable host city. A bus shelter recently erected at the Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens with funds supplied by the Queensland Council of Gardens Clubs is an example of how these groups are supporting preparations for the Games.


A Club spokeswoman said that members had wanted to contribute something useful to the City to mark the Commonwealth Games. "The Mt Coot-tha Gardens are very popular with our members, naturally, and we use the Auditorium regularly for Club functions. "When we heard that a bus shelter was needed, it seemed an appropriate contribution," she said.


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Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Bus Shelter, President Joan Lister 1982

IMG 8783busshelter

Bus shelter June 2022..  Still in use for 40 years


